[DhtmlXQ_adddate]2012-11-20 22:39:01[/DhtmlXQ_adddate]
[DhtmlXQ_editdate]2012-12-15 00:03:00[/DhtmlXQ_editdate]
[DhtmlXQ_title]The hay - nhieu bien - rong duong tham khao[/DhtmlXQ_title]
[DhtmlXQ_comment0]1 van co the qua hay va cung gay nhieu tranh cai.Do tien hoa :D[/DhtmlXQ_comment0]
[DhtmlXQ_comment1]B2-3 truoc cung deu nhu nhau[/DhtmlXQ_comment1]
[DhtmlXQ_comment18]Den co 4 phuong an khac, nhung Do deu thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment18]
[DhtmlXQ_comment19]Cho nay Do con 2 cach di khac, nhung Den deu thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment19]
[DhtmlXQ_comment21]Thoai xe la nham tieu diet con chot lo 4 hung han cua Den, hoa giai the cong cua Den.[/DhtmlXQ_comment21]
[DhtmlXQ_comment25]Thoai xe ve an chot la CHINH XAC.[/DhtmlXQ_comment25]
[DhtmlXQ_comment27]Do con 3 cach di khac.[/DhtmlXQ_comment27]
[DhtmlXQ_comment28]Dang xe len de thi'. Vi quan Den doi dao binh luc, vi tri cua 4 chot rat co the & luc. :D, trong khi do 3 chuot cua Do lai o vi tri bat loi.Neu doi xe thi Den thang chac, neu khong thi' xe thi chot giua cua Den duoc bao toan tinh mang. :D[/DhtmlXQ_comment28]
[DhtmlXQ_comment32]?|| Phan tich tinh the, Den bi vay khon trung trung, can phai ung pho bang chieu phap "Vay Nguy cuu Te", trien khai doi cong, thi' quan kheo leo, nham giu uu the cua cac quan chot.[/DhtmlXQ_comment32]
[DhtmlXQ_comment45]Thoai xe - cong thu luong toan![/DhtmlXQ_comment45]
[DhtmlXQ_comment46]Danh thoai ma ve thu.[/DhtmlXQ_comment46]
[DhtmlXQ_comment85]Hoa, mac du chot den co the chet 1, nhung vi phao kg co ngoi chieu bi, nen Hoa la hop ly.[/DhtmlXQ_comment85]
[DhtmlXQ_comment1_73]Do thang![/DhtmlXQ_comment1_73]
[DhtmlXQ_comment2_73]Do thang![/DhtmlXQ_comment2_73]
[DhtmlXQ_comment3_81]Do thang![/DhtmlXQ_comment3_81]
[DhtmlXQ_comment4_81]Do thang![/DhtmlXQ_comment4_81]
[DhtmlXQ_comment5_97]Toi day coi nhu den thua, den di dai 1 nuoc bat ky de ngay sau do xe do ket lieu tuong den.[/DhtmlXQ_comment5_97]
[DhtmlXQ_comment5_99]Do thang[/DhtmlXQ_comment5_99]
[DhtmlXQ_comment6_85]Toi day coi nhu Do thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment6_85]
[DhtmlXQ_comment7_85]Toi day coi nhu Do thang. :D[/DhtmlXQ_comment7_85]
[DhtmlXQ_comment8_119]Toi day coi nhu Do thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment8_119]
[DhtmlXQ_comment9_89]Toi day coi nhu do thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment9_89]
[DhtmlXQ_comment10_87]Den het do, Do cung thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment10_87]
[DhtmlXQ_comment11_95]Toi day thi coi nhu Do thang, Den di dai 1 nuoc bat ky...[/DhtmlXQ_comment11_95]
[DhtmlXQ_comment11_99]Do thang[/DhtmlXQ_comment11_99]
[DhtmlXQ_comment12_81]Do thang[/DhtmlXQ_comment12_81]
[DhtmlXQ_comment13_51]Duoi day Den co 3 giai phap ung pho.[/DhtmlXQ_comment13_51]
[DhtmlXQ_comment24_47]Duoi day Den co 3 phuong an, nhung Do deu thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment24_47]
[DhtmlXQ_comment26_51]Duoi day co 3 bien.[/DhtmlXQ_comment26_51]
[DhtmlXQ_comment30_33]? day la nuoc yeu, ro rang la 1 quan khong qua manh de uy hiep tuong den. Do nen chon giai phap X6-5 chieu, ep tuong den sang lo 4, roi dieu P4-7 de phong chot den vuot qua lo 3, mat khac mo duong mau de chot do ap sat vung cam dia, dien bien tiep theo chinh xac thi Do co co may thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment30_33]
[DhtmlXQ_comment30_38]Nen doi lai di X8/3 hay hon.[/DhtmlXQ_comment30_38]
[DhtmlXQ_comment31_63]Toi day Den vo vong. hix[/DhtmlXQ_comment31_63]
[DhtmlXQ_comment31_67]Toi day coi nhu Den thua.[/DhtmlXQ_comment31_67]
[DhtmlXQ_comment32_71]Toi day Den coi nhu thua.[/DhtmlXQ_comment32_71]
[DhtmlXQ_comment35_53]Den that the, Do thang.[/DhtmlXQ_comment35_53]
[DhtmlXQ_comment36_38]Den nhieu chot hon, thang chac.[/DhtmlXQ_comment36_38]
[DhtmlXQ_comment44_32]Duoi day Do co 2 giai phap.[/DhtmlXQ_comment44_32]
[DhtmlXQ_comment44_41]Cach giai cu[/DhtmlXQ_comment44_41]
[DhtmlXQ_comment47_43]Cach giai cu[/DhtmlXQ_comment47_43]
[DhtmlXQ_comment51_28]Duoi day xe Do buoc phai diet chuot, bang khong neu di tiep X5/2 thì chot 4 se tuong, Tg-4, M7.8--> Den thang![/DhtmlXQ_comment51_28]
[DhtmlXQ_comment53_21]B5.1??? Chot an xe la 1 sai lam lon cua Do, khien cho Do thua. hix[/DhtmlXQ_comment53_21]
[DhtmlXQ_comment53_27]Den day, Den con Ma 3 chot Vs Do con phao 4 chot (3 chot gia`rung rang), Den thong tha gianh thang loi.[/DhtmlXQ_comment53_27]
[DhtmlXQ_comment54_26]Ma den chieu bi, Do thua! hix[/DhtmlXQ_comment54_26]
[DhtmlXQ_comment56_21]Duoi day Den co 2 cach doi pho.[/DhtmlXQ_comment56_21]
[DhtmlXQ_comment58_20]Duoi day co 3 bien.[/DhtmlXQ_comment58_20]
[DhtmlXQ_comment58_26]Den thang[/DhtmlXQ_comment58_26]
[DhtmlXQ_comment61_28]Den thang[/DhtmlXQ_comment61_28]
[DhtmlXQ_comment62_48]Cach giai cu[/DhtmlXQ_comment62_48]
[DhtmlXQ_comment67_8]Giong nuoc thu 3 ngay truoc do.[/DhtmlXQ_comment67_8]
[DhtmlXQ_comment68_8]??? Sai lam nghiem trong, Den thua som[/DhtmlXQ_comment68_8]
[DhtmlXQ_comment68_17]Toi day coi nhu Den thua vi khong con du quan de danh tra.[/DhtmlXQ_comment68_17]
[DhtmlXQ_comment69_10]??? sai lam noi tiep sai lam. Den thua nhanh. hix hix[/DhtmlXQ_comment69_10]
[DhtmlXQ_comment69_13]Do thang nhanh[/DhtmlXQ_comment69_13]
[DhtmlXQ_comment71_6]Den con phuong an: B5-6 nhung cung thua. Hay xem bien ngay ben duoi.[/DhtmlXQ_comment71_6]
[DhtmlXQ_comment72_21]Den cung thua![/DhtmlXQ_comment72_21]